Penguin Of The Month: #9 - Mrpenguin887
Hey everyone! Welcome to the first Penguin of the Month... on the blog! And what a winner we have today!
The Penguin of the Month this time goes to Mrpenguin887, who was nominated by several members including
Lxnked, Seal and many many more!
Here's just a snippet of what one user, Lxnked, had to say:
"I want to nominate Mrpenguin887 for the POTM award. Mrpenguin is a dedicated member of the community, and not a single person here cannot be around them without having a good ol' chuckle and overall spectacular time with him. He is the funniest and most welcoming person I've ever met, and we as a community are VERY lucky to have him here. He is one of the brightest bulbs that help CPImagined shine."
Congratulations to Mrpenguin887, for your efforts you've been rewarded the legacy Penguin of the Week background, the Green Viking Helmet and 5000 coins!